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Transform CSS3 Generator: Scale, Rotate, Translate and Skew

Use the sliders to set the transform CSS properties for your stylesheet. Set the scale, rotate, translate, skew. The CSS transform Generates ‘-moz-transform,  -webkit-transform, -o-transform.

Link Tool:

CSS Transform generator for lazy people.

Set the scale, rotate, translate, and skew and watch the live preview to get the desired view.

Avoid setting extreme values for the skew property because the preview might cover the settings panel. In this situation you will have to refresh the page.

Scale, Rotate, Translate and Skew

Scale works like you would zoom in and out the targeted element. The default scale value is 1, which works as a multiplier of the original size. This means that 0.5 halves while 2 doubles the section.

Tutorial Video


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