Free online JSON to YAML converter. Just load your JSON and it will automatically get converted to YAML.
Link Tool:
Quickly convert JavaScript Object Notation to Yet Another Markup Language. Enter JSON in the input box on the left and you'll immediately get YAML in the output box on the right. Enter JSON, get YAML.
a subset of the JavaScript object notation syntax
data stored in name/value pairs
records separated by commas
field names & strings are wrapped by double quotes
stands for YAML ain't markup language and is a superset of JSON - Convert YAML to JSON
.yml files begin with '---', marking the start of the document
key value pairs are separated by colon
lists begin with a hyphen
Link Tool:
What can you do with JSON TO YAML CONVERTER ?
This tool will help you to convert your JSON String/Data to YAML String/DataQuickly convert JavaScript Object Notation to Yet Another Markup Language. Enter JSON in the input box on the left and you'll immediately get YAML in the output box on the right. Enter JSON, get YAML.
Tool Convert JSON to YAML online
JSONa subset of the JavaScript object notation syntax
data stored in name/value pairs
records separated by commas
field names & strings are wrapped by double quotes
stands for YAML ain't markup language and is a superset of JSON - Convert YAML to JSON
.yml files begin with '---', marking the start of the document
key value pairs are separated by colon
lists begin with a hyphen
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